About Us
The Patented Inviseo Table was invented by George Berger in Germany in 2001. Its origins lie in a revolutionary idea emerging from a very simple question: Why does a prime target group spend over 40 minutes staring at a blank space –the back of an airline tray-table? Here, before the very eyes of every traveller, your message is implanted into the mind of the passenger through constant viewing.

Few media can communicate more successfully and effectively than the IVT. Nowhere else can advertising reach the intended audience for longer or more intensively. Thanks to its high acceptance among air passengers and its unrivalled contact intensity, the IVT not only works during takeoff and landing, it achieves a “Brain Branding Effect” no other medium can create. Thus, the IVT guarantees an “Added Value Effect” in connection with all cross-media communication – inside and outside the aircraft. Indeed, the full benefits of “Brain Branding” appear in combination with other media: Brand and messages are immediately recalled and new information is perceived faster. In a world of limited attention there is no other way to make communication more effective.