
About Us

The Patented Inviseo Table was invented by George Berger in Germany in 2001.

Its origin lies in a revolutionary idea emerging from a very simple question. Here, before the very eyes of every traveller, your message is implanted into the mind of the passenger through constant viewing. The IVT (Inviseo.Table®) is born– the unprecedented airline tray table with an integrated display for printed media. An innovative and efficient advertising medium using neuromarketing insights to guarantee precise and relevant advertising with an opportunity to see (OTS) of almost 100%. Perfected by the Inviseo team in more than 9 years by research, development and testing. The idea has been proved.

Today, the IVT is on board with several international airlines promoting renowned brands such as Microsoft, Sony, Ford, Daimler Chrysler, HRS and HP and many more could benefit from the exceptional advantages of advertising via IVT.

In October 2019, Maxposure Media Group acquired all Patents around the world for Inviseo Table as well as Trademarks, Domains, & Intellectual properties owned by London-based Inviseo Media Holdings Ltd.

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