Why Inviseo

10,000 Contacts per IVT per Month

Guaranteed Dwell Time: More Than 40 minutes per Passenger per Flight (During Take-off And Landing).

An Almost Competition-Free Advertising Space

Unparalleled “Added Value Effect” in Conjunction with Other Media

Fully approved by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) and the LBA (Luftfahrtbundesamt)

IVT-Creative Options
Even a revolutionary idea can be improved. Concerning the IVT print inlays for instance, the Inviseo team continually strives to create new, innovative varieties of presentation enabling even more effective and creative communication. Recent developments include several ways of using the technique of lenticular images such as 3D, Morphing, Flip or Zoom. This is not enough? Benefit from the Added Value Effect directly on board. Of course, Inviseo provides the opportunity of combining the IVT with all traditional in-flight advertising media –boarding passes & magazines.